Association Flainoise

Association Flainoise

For a harmonious development of Flaine resort and Grand-Massif.

Most recent articles

Most recent articles

2020-01-31-Poll on the Funiflaine

Organised by the Association “Les Amoureux des Carroz”.
Tuesday 4 February 2020 by Regis Lardennois



2020-02-15 - Documents submitted to the GM 2020

Saturday 25 January 2020 by Regis Lardennois
This document contient the various contents submitted to the General Meeting: Chairman’s Report (Vote) Treasurer’s Report (Vote) Proposed Policy Development (Vote on the proposal) Election of Council member : 3 seats. There is a Power of Attorney form in the Notice of Annual General Meeting. (...)

2020-01-30- New Year Wishes of the Association Flainoise

Thursday 23 January 2020 by Regis Lardennois , Thomas Heppel
This year, the local authorities have cancelled their new year wishes ceremony, during which they normally summarize their actions and present their projects To replace that lack of communication, we invite (members and non members) to join our new year wishes ceremony, Thursday, January 30 (...)

2019-10-01- GERARD_CHERVAZ-eng-Updated

Tuesday 1 October 2019 by Thomas Heppel
GERARD CHERVAZ With a link to a movie. Gérard Chervaz The Board of Directors of the association flainoise regrets to announce the death of our honorary president, Gérard Chervaz, in his 92nd year. Gérard Chervaz was the driving force behind the creation of Flaine, without him our resort would (...)

2019-02-26-Notice of the Annual General Meeting and an Extraordinary General Meeting

Monday 25 February 2019 by Regis Lardennois
Notice of the Annual General Meeting and an Extraordinary General Meeting In accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the Statutes, the 2016 Annual General Meeting is called for the Saturday 24th of February 2018 at 1800, in the Eric et Sylvie Boissonnas Auditorium, Flaine-Forêt. Doors open at (...)


2019-02-26-Documents submitted to the Annual General Meeting.

Tuesday 19 February 2019 by Regis Lardennois

With a translated version of the documents.

2018-08-22 - Analysis of the golf course aspects of the UTN file

Wednesday 22 August 2018 by François Zahm , Timothy Cooper

Expert view on the strange file “UTN” (Unité Touristique Nouvelle) for “Les Carroz d’Arâches”. Enlightening !
Chapter 6 added: “A project based on « optimisitic » attendance and turnover”

2018-08-18 - Last opportunity : “Say No to Marc Iochum’s project”. Have your say.

Saturday 18 August 2018 by Regis Lardennois
“Say No to Marc Iochum’s project”. Have your say. Dear Friends of Flaine We have now a set of documents on the UTN project translated to english, here so you may have a better idea of its contents. Its is the last time to write your opinion on this (...)

2018-07-23 - Information on the UTN project at Arâches

Tuesday 7 August 2018 by Regis Lardennois

Informations after the publication of the UTN file. UTN file analysis, and photos.

2018-07-13 - “No to Marc Iochum’s project”. Have your say.

Friday 3 August 2018 by Regis Lardennois , Timothy Cooper
Thanks a lot Tim for the english version. Express your opposition to the planned “new tourist unit” (Unité touristique nouvelle - UTN) involving the extension of the Serveray sports and recreation park at Arâches la Frasse. We are deeply concerned about these plans, which will damage the resorts (...)

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