Association Flainoise

News from the Association

For personal reasons, Régis Lardennois, President of our association has chosen to “take his leave”, according to his own words. Chantal Lardennois, Assistant Treasurer, also resigned from the Board. As consequence, our Board will lose two distinguished members who shaped our association over the last 9 years. We will come back later on to their tremendous contribution to the harmonious development of Flaine. A big THANK YOU to them for all those years of dedication.
According to Article 9 of existing statutes, Thomas Heppel, Vice-President, shall replace the President until the next General Assembly, allowing our association to operate short term. However, a Board scaled down to four members (instead of nine according to our statutes) does not allow the association to fulfil its mission, or even to ensure sustainability over time.
This is the reason why we appeal to all our members to get involved in the life of the association and to apply to become a Board member in order to complete and renew the leadership team.
As a result, the next General Assembly, planned in February 2025, will be critical to the future of our Association.
Association membership is on an upward trend since the COVID low point. This supports our view that the purpose of our association (to defend the interests of Flaine) is relevant and useful. This is especially true because Flaine not being a municipality, there is no other entity to take on this role.

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