Updated following the AG on 30 december 2008

Board of the association

John Mike Dickinson

Thomas Heppel

Régis Lardennois

Jean Michel Lefebure

Jean Michel Tanguy

Michel Thevenot

Pierre Tocqueville


President: Pierre Tocqueville. email : pierre.r.tocqueville at free.fr

Représentant de l’association à l’Office de Tourisme

Secretary: Jean-Michel Tanguy

Treasurer: Régis Lardennois (and webmaster)

President of honour: Gérard Chervaz

Association email: associationFlainoise at free.fr

Postal Address

Association Flainoise

Pierre Tocqueville

108 rue des Rosières  74130 Bonneville

Webmaster: associationFlainoise at free.fr


The display of email addresses is jammed (“ at “ instead of @), but the link works properly.