Association Flainoise

2010-07-15 - 1st Golf Tournament of the Association Flainoise

Thursday 15 July 2010 by Thomas Heppel

WIN A SEASON SKIPASS (offered by Domaine Skiable de Flaine)

This year, for the first time, the Association Flainoise is organizing a golf tournament. This is going to take place at the Flaine-Les Carroz golf course on Saturday, August 21st, 2010, from 08:30 onwards.

Our association has two main reasons for organizing this event:

1. To add to the attraction of our resort during the Summer season,

2. To raise its profile and to comminicate its objectives to the widest possible audience.

As a part of this, the AF would like to give the opportunity to its members to spend an enjoyable day on the magnificent golf course located at the Pierre Carrée Pass.

Players need to register (Phone: 04 50 90 85 44) in order to participate. The tournament will be a Stableford with tee-times starting from 08:30 onwards. The competition fee is EUR 10.-, though this is waived for members of the Association Flainoise. The green-fees are the responsibility of each player.

The prize-giving ceremony will take place at 16:00, followed by drinks. All members, even non golfers, are invited to join us at the Pierre Carrée Clubhouse.

See you soon on the course.

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