Association Flainoise

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2009-04-16 - The Objectives of the Association Flainoise - Statutes 2005

Thursday 16 April 2009 by Michael Dickinson

 Objectives of the Association Flainoise

The aims of the Association Flainoise is to promote the harmonious development of the resort of Flaine and the Grand Massif, as much from the institutional, environmental, architectural and urban planning points of view, as from the economic, cultural and touristic points of view.

In particular the Association should:

 To take a lead in all activities, considerations, studies or research projects, together with all local public actors and local authorities in working directly or indirectly towards the development and the improvement of the resort of Flaine, the Grand Massif and the surrounding lands, in the following ways:

 Promote, advance, encourage, and support the economic development of the resort of Flaine, and in particular;

 Encourage a suitable level of local businesses (shops, tradesmen, small, medium and large public spaces) as well as their survival;

 Promote the upkeep, the improvement, and the development of public services in Flaine from the point of view of satisfying the requirements and the needs of the inhabitants and the families resident in Flaine as well as co-proprietors and holidaymakers;

 Promote, advance, encourage, and support the development of summer and winter tourism and in particular promoting the image of the resort of Flaine and the practice of winter sports.

 Take part in preserving the life-style , the environment, the architectural quality and the implementation of urban development in the resort of Flaine, and in particular:

 Take an interest in the harmonization of the skiing areas of Flaine and the Grand Massif, and in particular the implementation and organisation of mechanical uplift;

 Take part, by all means possible, in the improvement of transportation access to Flaine and new tourist developments, such as the skiing uplift necessary for the running of the resort of Flaine;

 Watch over the improvements in skiing quality of the ski areas of Flaine and the Grand Massif;

 Promote, support, and take part in the implementation of the projected ‘Resort without vehicles’;

 Watch over and preserve the architectural integrity and quality, as well as town planning aspects (UTN, Town planning documentation, land use authorizations, . . .), from a point of view of the amenity of the area and the harmony between the resort of Flaine and the local natural environment;

 Support reforestation and the maintenance of green spaces.

 Take a lead in all actions, take part in all negotiations and take any necessary steps, or make any useful representations to the state powers, authorities, and jurisdictions tending to promote the institutional, territorial, political, and budgetary autonomy of the resort of Flaine, as an independent local authority.

 Take part in the management of any request to organize local referenda or local consultations with electors listed on the Electoral Registers of the Communes of Araches-La Frasse and Magland, on the subject of any decision or project of the Municipal, Departmental, Regional, or Inter-Communal authorities, whether it relates to deliberations or to executive action provided that the matter relates to the competencies of the Association Flainoise.

 Act in the defence of, and represent, either in the pursuit or in the defence of the individual or collective interest, members of the Association, or permanent residents, owners of second homes, holidaymakers, seasonal workers, owners, shopkeepers, tradesmen, or businesses in Flaine and in the Grand Massif before any judicial or administrative court at any and all levels

 Take any part in or shares in any society, or join or amalgamate with any association or other body, provided it has ‘not-for-profit’ status, whose objectives share the competencies of the Association Flainoise.

* * *

Translator’s note
This version in English is provided solely for guidance; the text of the French version has legal force.

 Formal Statutes

They address also the association organisation.

Please find below the formal statutes as revised in 2005. The association address is no longer valid ; please see the “contact” page." The statutes revision dated 1995 is available in the archives page.

Note of the Webmaster: Please note that the statutes have been modified in February 2010, the new version is available on this site.


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