Association Flainoise

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2020-01-31-Poll on the Funiflaine

Organised by the Association “Les Amoureux des Carroz”.
Tuesday 4 February 2020 by Regis Lardennois

The Association “Les Amoureux des Carroz” carries out a survey on the opinion of the inhabitants regarding the Funiflaine project.
It is important to have as many answers as possible, and we suggest that our readers respond.
You can find a lot of things about Funiflaine on this website.

Thank you for spending 2 minutes on this questionnaire and helping to define a consistent and useful Funiflaine.

The Syndicat Funiflaine launched in mid-2019 a consultation for the selection of the Funiflaine operator who must also carry out the construction work.

The 2 candidates submit their offer at the end of January and the Union will make a choice in March 2020.
The Syndicat Funiflaine will then enter into a contractual phase, which can no longer be reoriented until the Public Inquiry has been completed after significant expenses have already been incurred.

But we are convinced that the newly elected councillors of the municipalities can still influence the project this spring, and we invite voters to express themselves.

Currently only the official route, Magland - Pierre Carrée - Flaine, is retained.

The route goes directly from Magland to an intermediate station at the Col de Pierre Carrée, then from there to Flaine, at Parking P1, station distant from the centre of the station which will require shuttles for pedestrians.
With this route, the municipality of Arâches is planning the construction of a real estate project of 47000 m² in Pierre Carrée on the golf course, a chairlift and a new post to connect Pierre Carrée to the Molliets.

A ski post is also planned to descend to Flaine. A shuttle car park built near the Funiflaine station (hole #11 of the golf course) will be served by an expanded road, open in winter. With that, we must say goodbye to golf and Nordic winter activities in Pierre Carrée.

The official project will mainly bring daily skiers during the day, rather in Flaine, on weekends and holidays. The experience of the last Christmas holidays has shown that there is already no room on the ski domain. However, we need skiers only outside these periods and occupying touristic beds.

A possible alternative route, connecting Magland directly to Flaine, less expensive and less destructive, would also be a lift for Flaine.

Within 2 to 3 years, Flaine will have 15,000 beds and Les Carroz will have nearly 20,000 beds, it is then obvious that to be considered as public transport, the Funiflaine must serve Les Carroz and Flaine.

A study by the Association Flainoise, shows that an alternative route for a Funiflaine Transport Public, passing through Les Carroz and arriving in the densest part of the station Flainoise is possible for a cost and a journey time identical to those of the official route. Without impacting Pierre Carré.

Please complete the attached questionnaire and return it.

This questionnaire will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Les Amoureux des Carroz
2 route des Clis, Le Serveray, Les Carroz
FaceBook : Les Amoureux des Carroz
Courriel :
Tél: 00(0)450 90 33 26 & 06 60 24 18 21

The following file is an editable pdf. You can open it, write your answers, save it on your computer, and email it back to “Carroz Lovers”.

Funiflaine Poll


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