Association Flainoise

2018-07-23 - Information on the UTN project at Arâches

Tuesday 7 August 2018 by Regis Lardennois

 Monday July 23rd 2018

New document, after analysis of the file :
Analysis of the UTN file concerning the extension of the Les Carroz Leasure Centre.]
It shows that some information spread by the city hall or its représentatives, is different from the official file, or not consistent.
We continue our analysis.]

A few photos :

Les Communaux des Carroz.

a new ornement in the city of Arâches.
It shows the thoughts of the inhabitants (almost 2000 signatures at the pétition against the golf, counting both internet petition, and a paper version..

 Sunday July 22nd 2018

New vidéo of the “Amoureux des Carroz” on Youtube with the botanist Denis Jordan :

 Monday July 16th 2018

General information on the public enquiry :

The UTN file may be downloaded here on the City Hall web site :

Nice reading
We will tell you our discoveries on this file..

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