Association Flainoise

2020-01-30- New Year Wishes of the Association Flainoise

Thursday 23 January 2020 by Regis Lardennois , Thomas Heppel

This year, the local authorities have cancelled their new year wishes ceremony, during which they normally summarize their actions and present their projects
To replace that lack of communication, we invite (members and non members) to join our new year wishes ceremony,
Thursday, January 30 from 17:15 to 19:00
(registration from16:45 to 17:15).
Le Refuge du Skieur, Flaine Forêt.
The association offers a drink to its members.


The presentation outline is there (French),

And the oral presentation will be based on the documents we placed in our election folder there.

We hope there will be enough time for questions and answers.

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