Association Flainoise

2023-01-27-Notice of Annual General Meeting

Friday 27 January 2023 by Regis Lardennois

You are kindly invited to participate in the General Meeting of the Association Flainoise, to be held at The Chapel, Flaine Forum on Monday February 27th, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

The GM is reserved to registered members only. Membership application will be possible on site.

Looking forward to meet you at this moment of exchange

Click here to access the letter of convocation:

General Meeting documents will be available to 2022 members in the first week of February.

The renewing of the membership of all those who have the future of Flaine at heart is very important to us :

  • Our actions are carried out on behalf of our members who legitimate our Association. You will see on February 27 that a lot has been done during last year to protect the future of Flaine,
  • Membership contributions ensure the financial resources required to support our actions. It is a guarantee of our independence and freedom to act.

A number of members participate already in our actions. But we would very much welcome more involvement

The documents submitted to the GM will be accessible to our members during the first week of February.

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