Association Flainoise

2019-02-26-Notice of the Annual General Meeting and an Extraordinary General Meeting

Monday 25 February 2019 by Regis Lardennois

Notice of the Annual General Meeting and an Extraordinary General Meeting

In accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the Statutes, the 2016 Annual General Meeting is called for the Saturday 24th of February 2018 at 1800, in the Eric et Sylvie Boissonnas Auditorium, Flaine-Forêt. Doors open at 1700.
In case the AGM is not quorate an Extraordinary General Meeting is called for 1830 at the same place to cover all items on the original agenda.

Only members who are up-to-date with their subscription may participate in or be represented at General Meetings and will be sent information bulletins.

At the end of the General Meeting, we will hold a public meeting to exchange the information about Flaine resort.

Agenda in all cases

Items to be voted on

  • Chairman’s Report (Vote)
  • Treasurer’s Report (Vote)
  • Proposed Policy Development (Vote on the proposal)
  • Election of Council member : 5 seats. The Association is looking for candidates to strengthen the Council. List up to date herei Contact

Points of Information
The state of the Flaine resort: The skiing area and developments, Building activities (in progress and proposals), Works undertaken by the SIF, the Association WebSite, AOCB

Note. In accordance with the 2010 statutes, the notice calling a General Meeting will include a list of the mandates to be renewed. Candidates should submit their candidacy at the latest a week before the meeting. These nominations will be published on the website, and will be accompanied by a presentation by each candidate of their vision of the role of the Association and what they can contribute.

The Agenda has been drafted by the Executive Committee. Additional Agenda items from the membership may be requested in writing by letter or email addressed to the Chairman at the latest two weeks before the AGM. Changes to the Agenda will be posted on the Web Site.

Election of the Council - Status of mandates

CollegeNameStatusEnd of mandate
1 Xavier ROBBY Elected at the GM 2018 End 2020
1 Chantal LARDENNOIS Elected at the GM 2018 End 2020
1 Mike DICKINSON Elected at the GM End 2020
2 Christophe BOUJON End of mandate, Councillor to be elected End 2021
2 Régis LARDENNOIS End of mandate, Councillor to be elected End 2021
2 Pierre TOCQUEVILLE End of mandate, Councillor to be elected End 2021
3 Thomas HEPPEL Elected at GM 2017 End 2019
3 Open To be elected End 2019
3 Open To be elected End 2019

There are 5 councillors to be elected.

Note. In accordance with the 2010 statutes, the notice calling a General Meeting will include a list of the mandates to be renewed. Candidates should submit their candidacy at the latest a week before the meeting. These nominations will be published on the website, and will be accompanied by a presentation by each candidate of their vision of the role of the Association and what they can contribute.

The documents submitted are available soon on the web site


I, Mr / Ms / Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
am unable to be present at the AGM and associated EGM and wish to appoint:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as my representative.’

(Any nominated representative may only exercise three Powers of Attorney in addition to his own vote. It is therefore preferable to issue open (unnamed) Powers of Attorney with mandated votes.)

with instructions to vote as follows:
Vote YES Vote NO
1- Approval of the Chairman’s Report ...
2- Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report ...
3- Vote on the Proposed Policy Development ..
4- Election of members of the Administrative Council. Vote YES Vote NO
François ZAHM

List of candidates updated on the web site.
Vote for no more than 5 candidatsThe details of candidates is here : Contact

Candidates having received at least 50% of the votes expressed will be elected in order of the votes they received within the limit of seats available,

DATE : . . . . / . . . . / . . . . SIGNATURE with the mention ’Bon pour pouvoir’

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