Association Flainoise

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Vote for Flaine Chapel !

mercredi 16 octobre 2024 par Thomas Heppel

The « Fondation du Patrimoine » has launched a campaign to raise funds for the restoration of Flaine’s chapel, but there is also a public prize that deserves the attention of all lovers of our resort.
The foundation puts the various projects it intends to fund to a public vote, and the projects that win the most votes receive additional funding from the foundation. The project with the most votes will receive €15,000, the second most €10,000 and the third most €5,000. All Flaine lovers and members of our association have until October 21 to show their support and vote for the Flaine chapel by clicking on the link below :


As a reminder, the chapel and its furnishings have been listed as ‘Historic Monuments’ since 2014.

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